Video-3/4 View Eye Study

@heidi_rounds_art Black and white charcoal drawing on toned paper. 3/4 view eye study. #drawing #charcoaldrawing #pencilart #pencildrawing #portraitart #portraitdrawing #eyedrawing #heidirounds ♬ Drake style/HIPHOP beat(1491552) – Burning Man

Black and white charcoal drawing on toned paper. 3/4 view eye study.

Video – Photo-Realistic Portrait Drawing Of A Baby Girl On Toned Paper By Heidi Rounds

Time-Lapse black and white portrait drawing of baby girl. 16″ x 20″. Commissioned drawing. Black and white pastel pencil and charcoal on charcoal paper.  Photo-realistic drawing.

Video – Self Portrait with Grid-Lines

When working on commissioned portraits I use a very elementary system of grid lines.  I first print out whatever I’m drawing and than box it out with 1″ squares.  If my drawing is a 16″ x 20″ the boxes will be 2″.  This ensures that my proportions are correct (or as correct as I can get them).  I did this video to show the boxes and how I use them.  There are lots of ways of laying out a drawing.  This, for me, is the easiest and fastest way.   The lines disappear on the charcoal paper I usually draw on, so I did this drawing on regular drawing paper with a 3B drawing pencil.  It was a lovely break to get away from the pastel pencils for a few and just draw without blending or worrying about highlights.

If you haven’t yet, please check out my tutorial on this method.

Video – Photo-Realistic Portrait Drawing Of A Woman With Earrings On Toned Paper By Heidi Rounds

Time-lapsed video of commissioned portrait drawn by Heidi Rounds. Black and white. Pastel pencil on charcoal paper.

Photo-Realistic Portrait Drawing Of A Young Boy On Toned Paper By Heidi Rounds

Time-lapsed video of a portrait drawn by Heidi Rounds. Black and white. Pastel pencil on charcoal paper. Lots of lights, darks and shadows.

Realistic Portrait Drawing Of A Little Boy On Toned Paper


Sensual Drawing Complete – “Intention”


I am so excited to have completed this drawing.  I love figure and the human body and have been wanting to do a more “sensual” drawing for some time now.  I’m hoping that it excites the senses and draws the viewer in for a second look.  I titled it “Intention” for, hopefully, obvious reasons.  If I offend, I apologize – Well, not really.  I warned you with the blog title.

I love taking the time to draw for myself.  A few times a year, I create new pieces to be used in shows that I am interested in being a part of.  The last few have been portraits, so this is a nice break.  Something new, something naked.

As I have stated before, I am always happy to quote for freelance artwork as well as portrait. If you have something in mind, let me know.  I’d love to talk with you.

I’ve Created Monsters!

My kids have been watching me draw since they were born.  I don’t push them to be artists mainly because I don’t want them to tell me that I suck someday when they develop mad skills.  I try to follow the Ignorance is Bliss policy in our home as often as possible.  However, as they have shown interest, I have taken the time to explain what I’m working on.

When drawing a large portrait, I frequently set up the drawing in the back of a room so that I can see what it looks like from a distance.  This is where I find most of my mistakes.  On a detailed drawing I may put it back every hour or so to see how it’s coming along. I have taken the time to show my kids (if they care that day) the things that I see that are incorrect so that they have a good “eye” for fine art. I want them to be able to see mistakes or things that are out of proportion in case they are ever interested in creating portraits or artwork that would require this type of skill.  This has completely backfired.

When I used to get, “That’s really good, Mommy!” I now get, “Oh, Mom, that highlight is in the wrong spot.” or, “The ear is too dark compared to the rest of the drawing.” or, “Why did you draw the hair like that?”  It’s becoming unbearable.  There isn’t a thing I do lately that doesn’t get severe criticism from my kids.  What used to be cute is now totally annoying.  Now, when I set back my drawings, I have three little people lined up next to me.  All of us rubbing our chins with our heads cocked to the side.  My cute little critics now have nothing nice to say and only point out problems which are sometimes intentional “problems” that I actually like.  So, my new policy?  Hide what I’m working on.  I cover half the page if I hear little feet coming or cover the whole thing when I get up from my drawing table.  I am actually hiding my work from my own children.

Lesson of the day?  Keep your kids ignorant of what you do.  Tell them that you’re nothing but a bad-ass all the time. It will make your life easier.

The Pain of Creativity

The pain of creativity is ingrained and never far from the artists consciousness.”  – Leonard Everett Fisher

I wrote this quote in my sketchbook in 1992.  I was a junior in high school and having problems coming up with ideas in my Studio Art class.  Nearly 25 years later, I am having the same problems I had when I was seventeen, hot and still firm.

As I have stayed busy with commissioned work which I am more than grateful for, I have deadlines fast approaching for juried shows I am interested in being a part of.  I work well under pressure, but am racking my brains trying to think of what to do this year.  I feel like creativity is either something you have or you don’t.  It’s like a sense of humor.  You can’t bullshit being funny. Everyone sees right through it.  I have accepted that I am not a creative person.  I have lived in jeans and tank tops since I was a teenager.  Same hair.  Same makeup.  Same style of music. Same food.  I try to be creative in the way I dress or the way I do my hair.  When I make attempts to change, I look like an idiot.  It’s not me.  The same is happening in the creative side of my artwork.

I try to set myself up so that I can clear my mind and focus.  I love walking and being in nature.  I love big sky and clean air.  I love the sun and rain and all things outdoors.  I never have as much of this as I need.

Last week I had my daughter home for three days with a stomach flu. Made for a very unaccomplished week. Yesterday, our family packed up to spend a day in the mountains.  Our picnic and all things needed for a day out were ready to go.  As we were getting in the car to leave, my daughters nose started to bleed. No big deal.  We went inside to wait for it to stop. We waited, and waited, and waited.  It didn’t stop bleeding.  As I have gotten older, I have developed a strong phobia to blood pouring from my children, and this wasn’t a normal nose bleed.  It was out of a horror movie.  I tried to stay away so I wouldn’t pass out but my husband left me to go to the bathroom – convenient.  I did everything I could think of, but the faucet of blood pouring from her nose made us soon realize that she would bleed to death if we didn’t do something.  We gathered the family and instead of our day in sun with quiet and clean air, we spent the next 4 hours in the ER while my poor daughter was clamped, cleaned and bleeding all over herself and everyone else in a tiny, depressing room. Needless to say, she made it out just fine, but feeling like complete shit, we spent the rest of the day at home.

Glad for the thought that tomorrow is a new I day, I went to bed last night grateful for time I would have today to walk, get some sun, clear my mind and draw.  My daughters stomach flu from last week had a different idea. My son has been throwing up since 1 am.  He is laying in a lump next to me in a chair moaning and groaning.  No serenity here.  My poor kids.

The reason I wasted everyone’s time writing about this is because I feel like I would only ever be able to find and be in touch with my creative side if I built a shack somewhere deep in a forest where I lived off the land and had no contact with anyone.  Being creative for me is like trying to think of how a song goes when there is another song playing in the background. There’s always a song playing in the background.  Hmm…  what to do… what to do…


Date night with nudes

Years ago, my husband and I would spend our Thursday nights at Open Drawing.  This is where you pay a small fee and sit with other artists and have a model (usually nude) in the middle of the room and for a couple hours you can draw, without instruction in your own style and at your own pace.  It is a very quiet and proper place, for obvious reasons.  My mom would take the kids for a couple hours.  We would stop at Starbucks and try to get there early so we could pick a good spot and get easels next to each other in the back of the room.  I’m claustrophobic and don’t like feeling trapped between people.  We loved going.  It was our little bit of time alone each week.

I took these opportunities to draw very seriously.  I wasn’t in school anymore, and I loved having live models to draw from.  My husband, Mike, however wasn’t as serious as I was.  He is a very talented and capable artist, but would become impatient when having to draw for a long stretch.  There were times where the model would hold the same pose for 2 hours with only a couple breaks in between.  Mike would look for every reason to get me in trouble.  I remember one of the first classes we attended.  I had been concentrating on finishing before our session ran out.  I looked over at Mike’s drawing and he had a complete figure minus the head.  There was a soldier he had drawn on the side of the paper throwing a grenade.  Where the head of the model should be was instead smoke rising up and ashes.  I, of course, was taken by surprise and started laughing.  I had to leave the room.  Everyone was giving me nasty looks and the model didn’t look happy.  I was horrified. That was just the start.  From then on, Mike would go out of his way to try and make me laugh while sitting in a completely quiet room with other very skilled artist.  He would do this in a way that would leave me looking like an asshole as he would immediately go back to work, very seriously like nothing had happened.  I don’t think we have a lot of the drawings anymore, but I found these last week when I was digging for paper in our giant stack of drawings in the basement.  Thought it would be fun to share.


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